Why Should You Hire a Home Contractor?

When you are undertaking a home renovation or remodeling project, there are so many factors to consider. You want to make sure your project is completed correctly, you want to stay on schedule, and you want to remain within your budget.  In order to save on costs, some homeowners decide to try to handle everything themselves instead of hiring a home contractor. Unless you have a lot of experience in the field of home improvement, here are four reasons why you are better off working with a professional contractor.    You Deserve Professional Quality A professional contractor has dedicated their life to learning how to handle building and remodeling projects. He or she has taken the necessary exams and earned certifications and licensing, so you can be sure that they are up-to-date on everything; from building codes to best practices.  When you are investing in a remodeling project, you want to be sure that you are going to love the results. After all, it requires a financial investment along with an inconvenience in your home. Hiring a professional is an excellent way to ensure you get the quality that you deserve.   Your Time Is Money Doing the work yourself might save you money, but you also have to realize that your time is valuable. When you are spending time tearing out kitchen cabinets or re-doing your bathroom floor, this is time that you could be spending with your family.  Hiring a contractor allows you to spend your time outside of work on things that you enjoy. We know that most projects don’t go according to schedule, and you don’t want to end up spending much longer than necessary on projects that could have been handled effectively by someone else.   A Contractor Handles Details Along with all of the actual physical labor that remodeling involves, there are many other details that are part of a construction project. For instance, most locales require you to apply for permits before you perform major work on your home. If you don’t apply for the permit, or if the job is not done according to local building codes, you could be slapped with a hefty fine.  Fortunately, when you hire a contractor, they will take care of all of the permits and any other paperwork for you. They’ll also schedule any necessary inspections, so you can be sure your project will be done correctly.    The Work Is Guaranteed Finally, a reliable contractor stands behind the quality of their work. Most contractors get new clients by word of mouth recommendations, so a quality professional will not be satisfied until you are fully satisfied. If you try to do the work yourself, you won’t have the benefit of any type of guarantee. As outlined, working with a professional contractor is a great way to ensure that you will love the results of your home improvement project. From saving you time to guaranteeing the quality of the work, an excellent contractor makes your project easier from start to finish.  If you’re in the Denver, Fort Collins or Colorado Springs area and interested in hiring a home contractor, contact us here!

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Storm Damage Repair Checklist for Homeowners

Severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricane-force winds, and flooding are responsible for billions of dollars in residential property damages annually. Rebuilding or repairing your home after a severe weather event can be costly, time-consuming, and emotionally draining. Staying organized can help you stay on top of repairs and minimize material and labor costs. With hurricane season right around the corner, and severe weather beginning to ramp up in parts of the country, Genesis Total Exteriors has compiled a checklist for homeowners to help assess the condition of the home and potential repairs necessary following a severe weather event. Roof Assessment  The home’s roof is likely to withstand damage from high winds and heavy precipitation. Begin by inspecting the roof thoroughly, as roofing repairs should be applied early to avoid worsening damage due to leaks, as well as to minimize the costs of repairs. Be on the lookout for:
  • Damaged or missing shingles, tiles or seams
  • Gaps or visible holes which expose the roof’s interior
  • Concentrations of moisture (pooling water) or debris 
  • Bowing or sagging areas, including areas, once covered by debris or pooled water
  • Visible water stains or spots on interior walls or ceiling 
  • Accessory damage (cracks in the chimney, gutters, or exterior pipes)
Exterior Wall Inspection Once you’ve assessed the condition of the roof, you can turn your attention to the other areas which are most likely to bear the brunt of the damage following a severe weather event– the home’s exterior walls. Damage to exterior walls may not always be apparent, so be sure to thoroughly evaluate them for damage. Walk around your home and check for: 
  • Cracked or splitting siding 
  • Dents or bowing 
  • Damaged or missing (stripped) stucco or siding material
  • Chipped or missing paint
  • Exposed interior (visible insulation, support structures, wiring, or–worst case scenario–full visibility into the home’s interior)
Windows Be sure to thoroughly inspect all windows (and doors) for damage as well. Just because a window isn’t broken doesn’t mean it didn’t withstand some storm damage, and it’s important to tackle any issues early on. Check the following:
  • Apparent shattering 
  • Large or fine cracks in glass
  • Warped or damaged window panes
  • Warped or moisture-derived damage on window sill
  • Drafts of cold or warm air around a seemingly undamaged window 
Protecting the value of your property and maintaining the safety of your home is critical in the time following a severe weather event. If damages are overlooked or neglected, they can create larger issues in the home’s structural integrity which may require more costly and extensive repairs. Our team of professional and qualified contractors here at Genesis Total Exteriors are proud to provide top-notch home repair services and assessments to support the interest of proactive homeowners, as well as to provide support for homeowners affected by storm damage. For more information, visit our website or check out our frequently updated blog  

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Tile Roof or Asphalt Shingles?

Homeowners often choose to replace their roofs using the same materials and design as they had in place before. Old shingles usually get replaced with new shingles and old tiles are upgraded to new ones. There are practical and aesthetic pros and cons to using asphalt shingles or tiles, and making a change can have a huge impact for your home. If you are choosing between these two common styles, here are some things to consider.    What Fits Your Home? Each home is going to be a little bit different when it comes to the measurements and tolerances that are important for a roof replacement. Tile roofs are heavier than shingles, which means that they are better suited for certain homes than others. It may be the case that there are areas of your home where the weight of tiles on the roof would cause problems. Due to their individual design, some homes are going to be a better fit for one style over the other.   Climate Your roof is there to do one main job, keep the weather out and the heat or cold in. Depending on the climate and seasonal weather around your home, you may want to consider one style of a roof over another. Because they are heavier and smoother, tile roofs are good conductors of heat that easily shed snow. Tile roofs also perform well in very sunny areas. Shingle roofs offer durability against wind and debris. Our contractors will be happy to offer recommendations about the right type to keep the weather out of your home.   Budget Usually, there is a cost tradeoff when choosing between tiles and shingles. Shingle roofs are often significantly cheaper but do not last as long as tile roofs. Typically, the price tends to even out over the lifespan of a roof, with tiles making up for their initial price with an extended lifespan. Of course, there are going to be different cost options within each type, so you will have some wiggle room in your budget even after you decide on shingles or tiles.   Warranty It is always a good idea to consider the warranties available before making a decision on what type of roof you want. Again, due to their longer lifespan, tile roofs will generally offer extended warranty coverage over shingle options. This is another place where there can be significant differences between the specific brands you have to choose from.   Design Perhaps most importantly, shingles and tiles offer different design options for your home. In the same way that exterior paint can change the overall design profile of a structure, different roofing materials are also important. Making a change from a tile roof to asphalt shingles can completely change the look of your home, and vice versa. If you are considering a large-scale remodel in addition to a new roof, upgrading from one style to another can make a big change.  If you’re in the Denver metro area and want to learn more information about Genesis Total Exteriors and the services we provide, contact us here.

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What You Should Ask Your Home Contractor

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How to Choose a New Exterior for Your Home 

Whether you’re planning to redo your home’s exterior for functional reasons, or are simply ready to give your home a brand new look, deciding on an exterior to best meet your needs is an exciting part of the process. Choosing materials that will best represent the style of your home while providing optimal protection against the elements requires a little bit of research. The experts at Genesis Total Exteriors have compiled a few tips and points for you to consider when choosing a new exterior for your home.  Plan Your Color Palette  The colors you choose for your exterior should captivate the essence of the region, as well as your home’s unique style. Your color palette can be divided into 3 parts: a field color (for major portions of the exterior, acting as the base color), an accent color (for components like shutters and doors) and trim color. It’s your home, so feel free to break away from conventional color schemes and get creative! Materials  The materials you use for your new exterior will depend on the climate in your location, your budgetary considerations, and your desired lifespan and maintenance needs. Here’s a brief overview of the most common materials used for home exteriors: 
  • Vinyl siding is a good option for homeowners on a budget looking for a no-fuss, low-maintenance siding for their home. In spite of being inexpensive, the polymerized material holds up well against damage from the elements.
  • Fiber cement siding is ideal for humid climates, as it is resistant to retaining moisture from the air. Unlike vinyl, fiber cement does not become brittle and prone to damage in cold weather. The application of this medium is more labor-intensive, but the total material cost is only slightly higher than vinyl. 
  • Wood siding provides a classic appearance and is available in a variety of earthy tones. While few can argue against its aesthetics, there are some downsides to wooden siding–namely, it is prone to warping with temperature fluctuations, retaining moisture and housing termites. For homeowners who are ready for a bit more maintenance. 
  • Stucco exteriors are classically reminiscent of Spanish style homes, as well as homes seen in the American Southwest. A highly durable mixture of cement, sand, and lime, stucco is resistant to the elements and altogether low-maintenance. The main drawback for many homeowners is the cost of application for stucco. 
Genesis Total Exteriors prides ourselves on our ability to help you create and install your desired siding and create the perfect representation of your home’s style. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website. To learn more tips and tricks about home exterior materials and style ideas, check out our regularly updated blog.

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Things to Consider When Remodeling

Remodeling your home can be an exciting and highly rewarding prospect, with the possibilities as endless as your imagination (and budget) will allow. Whether you’re looking to remodel just one room of your home or going for a total home makeover, it can be helpful to jot down a few of your ideas for how you envision the soon-to-be-remodeled space. The home experts at Genesis Total Exteriors have compiled a list of a few helpful tips for homeowners to keep in mind when preparing for a home remodel. 


Before diving headfirst into your remodel, you should consider the size and available space in each room (or the room undergoing remodeling). Is there enough space for special installments, like in-wall bookcases or a central kitchen island. Is the current available space being obstructed in any way that could be amended by removing a wall and making a major layout change? Thinking in terms of maximizing your available space while improving the “flow” of moving within each room (and between them) will help keep you organized during remodeling and ensure that your vision is a perfect fit. 

Infrastructure and Details

It’s very important to assess the health and stability of your home’s infrastructure before delving deeply into an extensive remodel. Any issues with the floors, support beams, in-wall pipes, and insulation should all be addressed and repaired before any cosmetic construction takes place. This ensures that the home is safe and that any problems like mold, faulty wiring, or warped floors are taken care of well in advance, allowing your remodel to proceed more quickly and efficiently. The quality of the home’s siding, roof and window shutters should also be evaluated.


Your newly remodeled house should be tailored to your lifestyle and meet your unique needs. If you entertain often, you may wish to expand your living area or add a bar to your kitchen. If you don’t cook so often, but need a lot of storage space in the kitchen, then opt to spend a few dollars on nice, spacious cabinetry as opposed to high-ticket appliances. If you’ve always wanted a library in your home, then consider converting your spare bedroom or dayroom into a library by installing in-wall shelves and noise-absorbing acoustic panels for the ceiling.


When it comes right down to it, you may not be able to make all of the changes you desire at once without going over budget. Budgetary restraint is helpful in the long run, and it’s better to be conservative and leave some extra money available in case unforeseen repairs have to be made, or the remodeling process takes more time than anticipated. In the meantime, focus on the most important two rooms of the home (usually the kitchen and master bath), which can account for 40% of your budget, then designate 20% for fixtures and detailing in the other rooms. Look to spend at least 20% on painting, electrician and plumbing services. Ultimately, just make sure you split your budget in a way that makes you happy while also being cautious.  For more information on the possibilities for remodeling your home, or to check out our expert services, visit Genesis Total Exteriors. For regularly updated posts covering a variety of home improvement topics, check out our blog

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Exterior Home Renovation Ideas to Help Your Home Sell

If you’re preparing to sell your home, you may be wondering about how you can quickly push the value up and spruce up the property for prospective buyers. Genesis Total Exteriors has served thousands of homes with renovations and additions to not only add to the property value but also enhance curb appeal. Your home’s exterior will be the first thing that your prospective buyers see, so you should be ready to make a strong first impression. Our home exterior specialists here at Genesis are here to help sculpt your property into a buyer’s dream. Check out these recommendations for exterior renovations:  Power Washing After years and years of weather, seasonal changes, errant leaf-blowing, and neglected walkways, the exterior materials of your home can become discolored or stained in uneven splotches that are stubborn to remove. Power washing is the best way to spruce up concrete walkways and all exterior features, including various types of siding. A full exterior power-wash is simple and should require a maximum of 5 hours to complete. The results will certainly be worthwhile.  Doors When you live in the same house for years, you begin to lose sight of the small imperfections. You may not notice the scratches on the side of your front door or its loose bottom hinge. Maybe you let the garage door only open three-quarters of the way and never bothered to get it fixed. The return on investment for the installation of new entryways into a home is shown to be 93% to 95%. Installing a new garage door or picking out a stylish, window-paned front door and entryway is a great way to impress potential buyers and not spend a ton of money in the process.  Landscaping  Landscaping is another remodeling project that’s worthwhile and certainly pays for itself. In fact, it’s been proven that landscaping boasts an ROI of over 100% for homeowners who invested in full-scale landscaping revamp before selling. Shrub and hedge maintenance, debris removal, lawn and limb cutting, and floral design and upkeep are only a few of the services offered by landscaping teams which can greatly improve the curb appeal of your home. You don’t have to pull out all the stops and spend money on exotic hedge designs or extensive ivy trellises. The idea is to achieve the appearance of an effortlessly clean lawn and streamlined entryway.   Final Touches  Additional ideas to enhance the value of your home right before selling include the quick and simple tasks of repainting and debris removal (particularly from the gutters). Repainting can hide flaws and refresh the appearance of the property while cleaning the gutters is a sign of good roof maintenance. (Clogged gutters pose more problems which aren’t simply cosmetic!) Be sure to give yourself a few days to a week in advance of selling to apply these final touches. xFor more information about what Genesis Total Exterior can do for your home, visit our website or check out our blog for regularly updated content.

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Choosing the Right Exterior Paint Color for Your Home

Whether you’re revamping your home for your own enjoyment or preparing to sell, painting the exterior of your home is a main contributor to your home’s curb appeal. A new coat of paint looks fresh and makes the property look well-maintained, while also hiding any scuffs or minor external flaws on the siding or other features. Aside from scheduling a time for a crew to come paint your house, you’ll also have an important decision to make in terms of what color of paint you wish to use for your home’s exterior. The options can certainly be overwhelming, so Genesis Total Exteriors has put together a few tips to help make the selection process easier for you!  Plan Around Features Which Won’t Be Painted  Static features that will not be renovated or painted (often roof shingles, tiles or stone walkways) will have to match whatever new color scheme you choose. Plan around these features accordingly so that they fit in seamlessly with your home’s new presentation. Since features like shingles, tile and stone are often neutral-tones, it shouldn’t be difficult to find colors that won’t clash with them. Warm Colors vs. Cool Colors Take a moment to assess the colors you’ve picked out on swatches. Are they leaning toward warm (reds, oranges, pinks, peaches, and fuschia), or cool (blues, purples, lavenders, greys, and greens)? Make sure you’re not mixing colors from both groups–if you notice you’re leaning toward cooler color schemes, be sure that both the base color, accent color, and highlight colors are all either cool colors or neutral tones (remember, neutrals go with anything!).  Assess Your Home’s Style and Age Just like it’s fashion-forward for people to dress in age-appropriate clothing and in accordance to the styles set in certain time periods, the same goes for your home! If your home is a classic cape cod, you may not be able to take as many liberties with the exterior color palette as you would if your home was created in the art deco or modernist style. Aztec style homes and roofs tend to be able to mix warm and cool color schemes, even though that is not typically a good idea–think bright reds and oranges accented with turquoise tiles and terracotta shingles…classic! Don’t Simply Rely on Swatches or Paint Chips While paint chips and color swatches are generally accurate, depending on the material type of your home’s exterior, or the paint manufacturer, you may find that the “true color” isn’t an exact match with the paint chip. Worst case scenario: the color you’ve chosen is completely different than the impression you got from the paint chip and now you have more than a few buckets to return to the store! The solution: buy a small amount of the paint you think you’d like to use and apply it to a very small area. Once dry, compare the color to the paint chip or color swatch you selected.  For more information on how Genesis Total Exteriors can help you transform your home’s exterior, visit our website or check out our blog for regularly updated content. 

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How to Pick the Right Contractor for Your Project

By: Mark Schymanski, President & Owner, Genesis Construction Inc. dba Genesis Total Exteriors Identify the project you want to complete.  Contractors will most often specialize in a particular area. Make sure you find a contractor that has the right experience and resources to complete your renovation. A Contractor that remodels your kitchen and bath may not be able to deliver the same craftsmanship to your windows, painting, roofing, and other exterior work.  Do they have a license?  This is one of the most important credentials you will want to check as a homeowner. What assurance do you have that they are qualified to take on your project without a license? You can check with your local city, county or state to ensure the contractor you are choosing is in good standing.  Do they carry liability and workman’s compensation insurance?  If your contractor can’t afford to carry proper insurance, you can almost guarantee they won’t be able to afford it if something goes wrong during your project. And your Homeowners policy will most likely have an exclusion that can leave you in a tight spot during your remodel. A contractor should carry up to $1,000,00 per occurrence in liability coverage to cover any unforeseen accidents, miss sights, or damage that occurs on their part during your renovation. Workman’s Comp is also incredibly important, because if a worker is injured on your property and they do not have insurance, they may be able to come after you as the homeowner to cover their medical bills.  Also, do not confine your self to a particular site.The most useful essay writer website will differ in one web site to another and also certainly will provide different benefits. You can even start looking for sites offering absolutely free essay tools help for those students who can’t afford to cover it.While searching for an essay writer internet site, read through the terms and conditions of the website. The stipulations should make it clear what it takes to file your essay.Find out what the submission process resembles before joining a website since this is important as a way to make certain you don’t miss deadlines. Additionally you ought to think about the number of pages the website offers and when it’s a great site, does it supply you with genuine and professional assistance?If you believe writing a composition is something you would not need time to get, this might not be considered a good internet site for youpersonally. If you really feel as though you do not have enough time to write essays and will love to earn significantly more, go for an essay writer website that offers a guarantee in your own essays. Can you find them online, and what do other’s have to say about them?  In today’s world, even small contractors should have some type of presence on the web, whether it is their website or social media. Check out their reviews and make sure they are legitimate! While reviews can be an incredibly useful tool, make sure to take them with a grain of salt and investigate who is leaving the review.  Check their references!  Ask for at least 3 past customers and ask to see pictures of the before and after. Make sure at least one customer they provide as a reference is recent and had their project completed in the last 30-60 days. It is critical to ensure the contractor you hire delivers consistent work and satisfaction to their customers.  Did they provide you with a detailed bid covering all aspects of the job to be completed, and does it spell out your payment terms?  Make sure the estimate includes all the material and labor costs for the entire project to be completed within the discussed timeframe to avoid getting upside-down in your renovation. Ensuring your contractor agrees to pay-as-you-go is the easiest way to protect your investment. NEVER give the last payment until the job is 100% completed. It is considered good practice to pay the contractor most of the final invoice but withhold a set amount for when the project is completed, such as if you are waiting on some items on back-order.  Does the contractor your hiring do the work themselves or hire out sub-contractors?  Ask your contractor who will actually be performing the work at your home. If they do use subcontractors, ask questions to ensure they only hire crews qualified to do the work that will be required of them. Ask that they do background checks on their employees and subs.  And above all else, if the offer sounds too good to be true, then, unfortunately, it probably is! A good contractor will get straight to be point and will be realistic with you about your project. If you receive multiple bids and one comes in considerably less than the others, you may want to avoid that contractor. In general, every contractor will pay the same amount for materials and labor, there are not really any “trade secrets” to getting a deal or better price. If the bid is way under the others, the contractor is most likely sacrificing quality products or craftsmanship. 

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Choosing the Right Kind of Window for Your Home 

When you shop for new windows and are preparing to install them in your home, you may begin to feel overwhelmed by the various types, styles, and compositions of windows available. If you focus too much on design or style, then you may miss out on some of the functional benefits of another type of window. Focus too much on strength and durability, and you could end up with a window that completely clashes with the rest of the home’s exterior design. Genesis Total Exteriors specializes in a wide range of home exterior services, including windows and door installation. In honor of our 30% off all Windows promotion, we’ve drafted this post to showcase the details of every window type we carry so you can make the choice that’s right for you.    Casement Windows Casement windows appear to be pretty basic — your run-of-the-mill rectangular window with a latch (often on the outside) and minimal beams. These windows are attached to their frame by one or more side hinges and are not flexible. By design, they’re reasonably durable, but the true advantage of these windows is their ability to insulate the home properly and reduce the loss of hot or cold air from the inside.    Awning Windows  Awning windows are hinged to the window frame at the top while opening downward as a slope. These characteristic windows are often placed at a higher level and accompanied side by side by other window types, such as casement. One plus of the awning window design is that the downward slope of the open window can allow rain to run-off, as opposed to dripping inside. One drawback: larger awning windows can feel too open, and incite the need for privacy.    Double Hung  Double-hung windows are popular due to their versatile design and the ability to be opened from the top sash as well as the bottom sash. Additionally, they’re often available in a wide variety of styles which allow them to be incorporated into multiple types of home interiors. The top-or-bottom opening can give homeowners some options for ventilation, however, they may not insulate as well as casement or single hung windows.    Bay Windows  Bay (or Bow) windows are the classically designed windows seen extending off the sides of homes. With a large sill and multiple panes, oriented in a half-circle, bay windows are one of the more complex options to fit into your interior. Durability and insulation will depend on the individual design of your bay window selection, and you should ask your Genesis associate for more information regarding your bay window purchase. These windows are undoubtedly stylish, and installing them in a home can even raise the property value! For more information about Genesis’ vast selection of windows, as well as any of the other home exterior services we provide, visit our website or check out the helpful articles on the Genesis Total Exteriors Blog!

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